Automobile, Cars, Used Cars, Vehicles

5 Incredible Car Features We’re Likely To See In The Near Future


At present, automobile manufacturers are finding ways to incorporate newer technology into their vehicles. By 2020, it is expected that the leading automobile manufacturers will make the vehicles true wonders of futuristic engineering. Today, I’m writing about top 5 technologies coming into vehicles in the next five years.

Smartwatch Integration

Today, the trend of smartwatches is on the rise, and many of us are wearing them on wrists to control things around us. It’s all about the internet of things; and soon by having smartwatch integration, your vehicle will be closer to you than you think. Presently, there are a number of mobile apps available that help people perform actions such as unlocking the doors and raising the alarm in dangerous situations. However, engineers at vehicle companies are now looking at smartwatches to help remotely control cars, trucks, buses etc. For example, at Hyundai, the engineers are using Android Wear apps in order to enable people to perform actions such as locking and unlocking the doors, starting and shutting off the engine, sounding the alarm etc.

Automated Valet Parking

All of us Japanese used car buyers all know that autonomous vehicles are coming. But exactly how far the technology will go making our lives easier than before? The answer is incredible. In the near future, it is likely that we will experience automated valet parking at lavish restaurants and high-end shopping malls. Today, we often see vehicles on the roads that can park themselves. Considering this, the newer technology will allow self-driving vehicles to not only park themselves but to also search a parking spot on their own.

The working behind is that a high-tech parking garage will communicate the vehicles through a network and highlight the spots where parking is available. When the owner wants to retrieve the car, he just needs to signal it from a mobile or smartwatch.

Side Collision Prevention

There is no denying that today, there are many makes and models of vehicles having collision warning systems and blind spot detectors. These features are placed at the front and rear of vehicles. At present, automobile manufacturers are taking technology to the next stage with side collision prevention systems. The future vehicles will carry radar systems integrated into the side of vehicles that would help drivers detect pedestrians and approaching vehicles on the roads before the driver sees them.

Car-to-Car Communication

All Japanese used car buyers have the idea that self-driving vehicles will have a communication with one another on the road so as to operate properly. The question is, how far will the communication between vehicles go? According to experts, vehicles will be able to send signals and alert on another of roadblocks, accidents, road conditions down the road. In addition, the vehicles will be communicating so as to provide important information and help one another to stay safe and steer clear of danger without a human element.

Biometric Car Access

A few years ago, we, as Japanese used car buyers imagined that keyless entry and push-button ignition will be the future of vehicles. Unfortunately, back then, we hadn’t expected much from the technology. In the near future, drivers will be unlocking their vehicles using fingerprints or their eyeball (thanks to the retina reading technology). All the leading automobile manufacturers are working on fingerprint and retina scanners in order to identify the owners of a vehicle; also, to open and unlock the vehicles without having to do anything more than placing the finger or looking through a window. Not to mention, these unique identification and security features will be available in new vehicles very shortly. The future is now!


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